I have a secret

Recently, I'm starting to love....gingers. Alright, glad I got that off my chest. The red head beauty trend has slowly gotten a big portion of Hollywood switching up their color. Here are some reasons why:

I'd love to try it out on myself but I'm not sure it would look that great...

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

But the real reason I'm feeling red hair lately....

Maybe If I was red...since he's red....maybe there would be a chance?



  1. hehe, those mock-ups or your red hair are adorable! :)

  2. that is too funny. I def did some mock ups like that with short hair!

    I love red heads and how they always have cute freckles!

    New to your page!

  3. I'm a big ginger fan myself, seeing as how my boyfriend is one!

  4. you are hilarious!! I say DO IT!! You look Hot:)

  5. Bahaaha
    I've always had a soft spot in my heart for red heads! Seriously! :D
    You could try red with a different shade maybe?!


  6. Hahaha, i LOVE those photos of you! My sister is a ginger and I was always secretly jealous of her pretty little-mermaid-esque hair. Maybe you can just ease into the gingerness with some highlights or something? Blondes are lucky because y'all can pull off so many different hair colors and have it look great! I am pretty much stuck forever as a brunette :)

  7. Haha! My brother has super red hair and I mean RED not orange like Harry. People are always commenting on it telling him its the most beautiful hair they have ever seen...I have always been slightly jealous :)

  8. Lol! Hollie you crack me up! I really don't think you can tell whether it would be a good color for you based on those pictures! lol I think you'd look great though! Maybe go buy a wig and try it out? Or just GO FOR IT! Take the plunge! :)

  9. He is so gorgeous. Guh. And where did anyone ever get the idea in their heads that William was the hot one??? (c: Loving the test pics...those virtual thinks always just end up funny, don't they? I always steer away from the hair stuff because, well, I'm just too lazy for the up keep! ha!

  10. hahahah this is great! Harry is my favorite too!


  11. Hahaha those pictures of you are awesome. I think those makeover programs are designed to make everything look ridiculous on everyone. But, the good news is that you do look kind of like the Little Mermaid in Exhibit A :)

  12. I've always wanted to try out red hair! I love the color of Rachel McAdams in The Notebook :)

  13. ahaha Prince Harry would definitely be worth considering becoming a redhead for!

  14. Lol! He is a real cutie! I love his rosy cheeks too! My best friend has red hair and I have coveted it for as long as I can remember!

  15. Oh no, my comment didn't post. Darn. Ok, let's try and recreate the magic :) You should totally dye your hair red. I've done it a few times and no idea if it suits me but I always feel infinitely more cooler and fiestier when I'm a red head. Try it in a dye that goes after 6-8 washes, that way if you hate it, you can spend a day in the bathroom and wash it all out and no one will be any wiser!

  16. oh, harry! he is a beauty!


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