Bobble Bobble

You won't see me with a blogger bobble head.

What is a blogger bobble head, you say?

Oh you know. It's that huge head and obsessive thought process about how important they are because they have XYZ number of followers, or XYZ number of pageviews, or XYZ number of sponsors.

I won't become friends with someone based on the number of followers they have. I won't treat bloggers differently because of where they fall in my own personal "cool" ranking. I won't suddenly distance myself from blog friends because I am suddenly too cool from now having XYZ.

I remember my first comment from someone other than my family.

Marissa, I'm talking to you.

I remember the first "big" blogger who emailed me back.

Jenni, I'm talking to you.

The first "big" blogger who left me a comment.

Megan, I'm talking to you.

The first blogger girl I text...often. ;)

Lauren, I'm talking to you ;)

Talk about blog role models.

I also remember the first tweets and blog posts I saw about how there are status quos about blogging.

How bloggers change when they perceive they've suddenly become more important now based on numbers.

At 32 followers, I couldn't comprehend. My blog has grown since then, and I still can't comprehend.

Aren't you always important?

Aren't we part of a community?

I may not answer every comment, but I will make an effort when I can. I may always be polite and sweet, but I won't lie. I'm not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind. Even if it's on my blog.

I've seen this newfound sense of importance first hand with a few blogs I've followed for the past six months.

And I've seen it NOT happen with a lot of blogs I've followed for the past six months.

And I gotta say, what is the real reason you blog?

Is it for competition or is it to inspire?

Is it solely a business for you these days or do you still have the passion?

You can have both. You can be successful and humble. I want to have a successful blog but does that mean I will change my values to be in the "in" crowd? This is not high school, so no.

It doesn't need to be a competition.

There is room for EVERYONE, blogs of all sizes in this blog world.

There are enough readers for everyone to have xyz number of followers.

 If you don't have passion for the beginning, the middle, and the end of this blog journey then...

Check ya self, before ya wreck ya self.

Your true self. The self that started this blog.

(While I didn't write this to offend anyone, I reserve the right to write about anything and I thought this was deserving)


  1. Hi Hollie!

    Thanks so much for this post. I'm still a new-ish blogger who never started out to gain followers, but my blog has recently started growing. I had to stop myself the other day, actually, because I would log on to see if I had new followers and if I didn't have a new follower I would be really down ... until I realised. Followers are wonderful. But they are a bonus. I started blogging because I love to write and want to share that with the world.

    I value the community of bloggers and followers so much and hope I can stay true to my blog!

    Thanks so much for this!

  2. This is SO great, and serioiusly something I've been thinking about lately. I'm do glad you posted this, because it really needs to be out there. I'm determined to stay true to myself through my blog, and if people want to follow, then great. If not, great. Your worth and the value of your words should not be based on numbers. And I won't post something just because it might attract more people. If I post something, I want it to have substance and something coming from my heart. If that means it takes longer for my blog to grow, then it's fine with me.

    I may have gotten a little off topic, but this really hit home with me and has been something I've been thinking about lately. Thanks!


  3. Love the crap out of this post. I feel ya on this. It's like "um...what the crap? who ARE you?"

  4. Soo I like you, that is all. hehe..

    No but really, this post is awesome, and I agree. These words needs to be spoken


  5. Holly this is fabulous!!! Great job putting into words exactly what I've been feeling!

  6. Great post girly! I do not keep track of followers...I lose 10 gain can all get overwhelming if you pay too much attention to it. I also remember when I only had one follower (remember exactly who that person was too) for like EVER...I do wish I had more time to visit the blogs that I love and comment more but pregnancy and a crazy 1 and 1/2 year old comes first. LOVE this post Hollie xo

  7. looove this! Myself and another blogger went out last weekend and got to talking about how sad it is to lose blog friends because once they blow up they think they're "too good," or just the bloggers who are big and don't respond to you but will respond to others who are on "their level." I can understand they are busy but sometimes it does seem to be intentional and that's when it hurts.

  8. Hollie, thank you so much for writing this. I think it's so easy to get wrapped up in the politics thay occur in the blogging world and forget the whole point to starting a blog in the first place. You're awesome!

    Xoxo marissa

  9. Amen, amen. Also, The Help is probably the best movie ever to happen.

  10. girrrrrrrrlllllll.
    you said it right!
    & I totally agree. people really need to get a grip on why they blog.
    & also not forget the friends they have made along the way.
    sometimes it can be easy to get mixed in with all the numbers. guilty.
    but I regularly bring myself back to reality of why I am blogging.
    Not to reach numbers but to reach readers who I can connect with and get to know.

    thanks for being so honest.

  11. My days would be so boring without Hollie texts! :) And I totally understand not responding to comments because I'm a wee little blog and I still find it hard to comment to the handful I get sometimes BUT I do seriously dislike when bloggers will respond to important people and ignore the "lowly pee-ons". It's honestly kind of turned me off a lot of bigger blogs.

  12. I couldnt agree more! I am glad I knew nothing about the blogging world when I started and just assumed my family and close friends would read. I get annoyed when people beg for followers or ask for you to comment and follow back..its just not genuine! I want people who read my blog to WANT to read it and want to get to know me! Love this Hollie!

  13. LOVE this! It's so true. It makes me so sad that there are blogger "cliques" and all of that. I know I won't always be able to respond to every comment, tweet, etc. But if someone comments something that's not just surface, I'm going to respond!

  14. Hey Hollie!! A fellow blogger friend of mine suggested I check your blog out:) You are so right I just posted a post about this subject this week actually. I dont have alot of followers and I dont care. I have had some rude comments to me about how boring my blog is or that I dont have enough pictures and blah blah blah. I am not changing my blog to satisfy anyone. I started my blog for me. It has helped me grow as a person and work through alot. I dont do it for anybody else but me. So thank you for this post!!!

    I am a new follower also:)

  15. Love this. All of this. It's so true. I hate when people get so "big" that they just STOP caring about the people who read. Aren't readers part of what makes a great blog? I love being able to connect with people and find new and exciting things. The blogging community can be so amazing, it's sad when some people lose sight of that.

  16. i love this post! and i think you are absolutely right. i love your quote from the help. it is my favorite book, and those lines are incredible!

  17. Thank you! I went to a blogger meetup last night and the girls with all the thousands of followers acted so snooty! Like, really? I felt like the nerdy girl that didn't have any friends in high school all over again. I don't get why some bloggers act like that. Sorry something similar happened to you! Thanks for being bold and writing something like this!

  18. I love this! I think so many bloggers get caught up in the competition, and the business side of things, and I think blogging should be for the love of blogging! Thanks for putting this into perspective :) I hope I never lose the passion.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget


    This is such a sad subject to me. I was just discussing it with Nicole up there yesterday! You could not have written this any better and hopefully people will read this and have an "A-HA" moment.

  20. I love this post! Blogger bobble heads are part of the reason that I don't post or comment as much. It feels very much like high school sometimes and I am so glad to see that you are not like that at all. You have an amazing blog and you are so very down to earth. I can honestly say that I am so very glad that I found your blog because it is a breath of fresh air from all the bloggy snobs.

  21. Bomb dot com blog post, Hollie! This post made me smile big because I was answering your little hypothetical questions in my head and realized that even with the growth of my followers, I'm still staying true to me, yet pushing myself to be a better blogger (if that makes any sense at all).

  22. I notice this on Twitter too! I'm clearly talking to myself because people hardly every respond even if I respond to one of their tweets. These are girls who used to talk to me or comment on my blog all the time, but now they only respond to those in their clique or big bloggers. You wrote this out so well.

  23. Could you be any more spectacular?! Don't think so. This was a great post and so true.

  24. Go on girl! This is so true. Thanks for posting what a lot of us are thinking:)

  25. Ahh - this is really perfect! I agree with some of the other commenters that I'm glad I started my blog without even really understanding this blogging world. I didn't pay attention to someone's number of followers because I didn't even get what followers were. If I liked a blog, it didn't (doesn't) matter to me how many other people do!

    Anyway, your perspective is a good one to hear and see supported. Well done, you!

  26. Oh, I love this. Every. Single. Word. Thank you!

  27. Such a good post! I read the blogs I read because I like them, I don't care how many followers they have! I love being a part of this blogging community!

  28. Amazing! You hit the nail on the head--I have been thinking about this so much lately!

    And I love someone who is honest :)

  29. Um, AMMMMMENNNNNNNN sister Hollie! Preach! Honestly, I only read a handful of blogs these days because on top of the "I am so important attitude" I have also ran into several really negative, hateful bloggers and it has sort of made me want to distance myself from it..... you really remind me that there are genuinely good people and more people blog for the right reasons than the wrong ones! You are awesome!

  30. I needed to read this today. I've been blogging for two and a half months and even since then I've noticed changes. I hate competition. I don't have sponsors because I'm not trying to make money. I blog because I love it. I hate feeling like "crap I need to get sponsors because nobody will read me if I don't." or "maybe I'm not a real blog." thank you for your honesty.

  31. PREACH it sister.. although, i must sheepishly admit, i have NOT noticed any of these changes you are talking about.. maybe i just follow the really awesome girls?! or there's a storm on the horizon? who knows! but, at all times, we should be ourselves- our loving, wonderful, energetic, unique selfs... GREAT post!

  32. Love love love LOVE! I've been checking myself a bit lately when it comes to blogging. I sometimes get discouraged when I write what I think is a great post and no one comments and then you read someone else's post that is non-sense and it gets a ton of comments. I have done a lot of stepping back and thinking about the purpose of why I blog and I what I want my blog to do. You are totally right. I love Jenni and Megan and if you love them too... then I think I have found another blog to follow. Yay! :)

  33. Girrrrl, I could not agree more! I sometimes find myself getting in my head if I lose a follower or if I'm not getting traction with certain posts, but it's what drives me to keep going in a way. I love this community of bloggers and feel so grateful to be a part of it. LOVED this post...word to your mother! :)

  34. Girl I blogged about my hemmoroids yesterday this is all me. If not one person read it was fine I got it off my chest and my best friend said it made her snort. Nice friend huh! Great post I blog cause its my happy place. What you read is what you get! Hell I can't even figure out how many readers I have on feed burner so if I get a follower I am greatful cause I write I don't know about the rest

  35. AMEN! Favorite post EVER. Blogging is for meeting friends all over the world. Thank you so much for posting this!!!

  36. Great great post girly! You are so right. I hope people still have passion for blogging like when they first started. I get nervous about sponsoring sometimes b.c I feel like I would feel so much pressure. Any tips? Thanks for keeping it real!!! :)

  37. Amen! I started blogging because I adore Kelle Hampton's blog, Enjoying the Small Things...and it made me want to take pictures and put them with a story and be apart of a community that encourages and supports. My blog is still a baby blog - but I hope someday it will grow..but if it doesn't, I'm ok with that. :)

  38. Indeed! There is more than enough room for all of us AND our blogs!!! Thank you so much for say something that soooo needed to be said! We aren't working against each other! Time to be secure!!!

  39. I am LOVING THIS!!!!!! great points my friend. I think its so important to stay true and always remember where you stated. there is plenty of room in the blog world for everyone!!


  40. So love this Hollie! I totally agree. I have 34 followers and I love it. Whoever wants to be a part of my life gets to. Whoever doesn't, well they don't have to :) It's sad when big bloggers start to change who they are because they're all of a sudden somebody. You're so right, we're all important! We all have stories to tell that are a big deal.

  41. I love this post! So, so true. The first two sentences cracked me up, haha.

  42. I LOVE this post! I ended up reading it, re-reading it, and finally instead of taking a few notes like I usually do, I printed it out and put it on the front page of my blog binder (where I keep all my blog post ideas, reminders and favorite posts!). Thanks for an awesome blog post!

  43. A-MAZ-ING! I have noticed this actually lately as well! Very well said!!

  44. chiggity check yoself before you wreck yoself! You always say things so well. Will you be my ghost writer? ;) xoxo

  45. So so true. I find myself so confused at the competition that can develop in some blogs / bloggers. I'm quite content to blog when I feel like blogging, read when I feel like reading and to feel blessed if other people enjoy it too. It's much nicer to kick back with your laptop and a cuppa than to be furiously counting followers and comments surely! =)

  46. Blog friends should be like real friends! People you would have a combo with, hang out with, have thingso in common. It's funny when people limit their blog just to have followers or be " famous". Can't we just read about each others lives and what we think is important? I agree!!! Love this post and your blog!!!

    Melissa from Grin and Barrett

  47. Hollie thank you so much for writing this and not being afraid to speak your mind on YOUR blog! I commend your courage to speak the truth and put out there what a lot of ppl are saying and haven't yet made it a focus. We have been discussing this a lot on Twitter lately and i'm so glad you did a post about it!

  48. I am so glad you posted this. I think it's my favourite post. Bravo.

  49. I love this Hollie!! I think sometimes we forget that it's not a competition with other bloggers. It's about supporting each other and growing with each other. You really hit the nail on the head with this one!

    Hayley from Classy in KC

  50. I love this post so much! Great reminder of why we are blogging in the first place!

  51. This post is so enlightening. So many times I feel like some of the bigger bloggers keep enforcing unnecessary rules. Make buttons, have amazing page views, sponsor, sponsor, sponsor! I started my blog as a record of my engagement, and now I just blog about my life when I have time. Like many other bloggers, I'm not doing this full-time or to make profit. I do it for myself, and I think when the content in a blog is honest, and real a reader will come back. Giveaways are nice, but good content will have me coming back for more in a blog. I've noticed the cliques thing too, at first it made me sad. Now I'm just grateful for the big bloggers who don't participate in that, are all nice to all their readers :)

  52. Hi Hollie, I cant seem to find how to contact you other than leaving a comment. I have a few questions for you. Please Email me erica.graham.9678 (@) its about a button swap. Thanks

  53. Wow what a great first post for me to read! I just found your blog and this is really encouraging. I think sometimes as a small blogger I get discouraged to comment on big blogs but I think there are more big bloggers out there like you. Thanks for the encouragement!

  54. This post is AMAZING!! I completely agree with everything you said. I have been getting soooooo annoyed lately with the blogging community and the cliques and all the high school drama. I hate it. I hate that it's this "game" you have to play and if you don't appeal to the right people you can't go anywhere. It's so frustrating and discouraging. But I have been trying to remind myself that I was in this to write and to hopefully encourage and inspire people, not to do lots of giveaways and get sponsors. I try to stay true to myself and have been making the necessary changes to do so. I hope I don't get that way. Please tell me if I start acting like that!! haha.

    Seriously though, you are awesome for speaking out again all of this and being honest. You are awesome!!

  55. hollie dear,
    this is such a great reminder for all of us bloggers out in the blogger world.
    thanks for sharing


  56. Hollie! I just found you through Megan's blog (Mrs. Robinson) and I am so glad to have read this post. I have been struggling with this. Its almost like you are a no body if you don't have a certain number of followers. I used to blog as a journal and then I realized how much more was out there and how much more I could contribute. Girls like you and Megan are the reason why I even started blogging in the first place. I wanted to get to know others and influence others the way I had been loved and influenced. Thank you SO SO much for writing this and reminding us all (big, medium or small) what the true point of this is. I NEEDED it!

    -Kaylee (a small blogger)

  57. Hollie! I'm so so glad you took the time to write this post. I couldn't agree more with what you said. I get really frustrated with the girls who get the blogger head. ha. You should write for you and if someone else likes it then that is fantastic.

  58. somehow i missed this post. thanks hollie. its so true. and sometimes i let myself get caught up in it.but its always good to take a step back and remember what really matters.

  59. I'm also a few days late reading this post. I started my blog around 6 months ago, and love doing it, though I can see how it can be discouraging when you don't have very many page views (I go by views, not followers). I'm so happy that I have the 30 followers that I do. My question is, I don't really comment on people's comments on my own posts, but I do visit their blogs and comment there. I read every single comment and appreciate that people took the time, but is it ok that I'm not responding directly to them on my own blog?


Thank YOU for your comments. <3