Confessions of a Hanson Brother

I promised more laughs around this blog and specifically laughs on Fridays. Since today is Friday it's only appropriate I show you something funny. Something I should probably only be showing close friends....

I found this gem today. This is a copy of my passport photo. It's also proof I am a sweaty Hanson brother, mmmmmbop! Move over Taylor. Happy Friday!



  1. LOL! No lie I was obsessed with Hanson... and they were on Oprah Where Are They Now last night!

  2. Hahaha this is so perfect! Hanson was one of my first CDs! (I got Spice Girls and Hanson at the same time - is that the epitome of a 90's kid of what?!)

    -Frances @ Keynotes

  3. HAHAHA love the Taylor Hanson reference - just great:)

  4. When I was younger I would braid my hair during summer break because I wanted to be like Zac. Obsessed much? I probably would have hit on you if I ran into you hahahaha :)

  5. hahah i love it! i was super obsessed with hanson as well :)

  6. I clearly do not remember what these guys look like because I just don't see it Hollie.

  7. Hahahaha this is hilarious! And if it makes you feel better, I totally look like a Hanson brother in my work photo ID!

  8. I love Hanson! Their new music is amazing!

  9. lol!! you do not look like a hanson brother!! maybe their sister, but not brother! ;)

  10. hahahahah i really just glanced at the post title and the photo together and died when i got a closed look. so funny!

  11. i hate my passport pic, noone believes it's even me in there then I show them :D

  12. Let's be fair, you're way hotter than any Hanson bro.


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