Friday's Letters


Dear Schedule-I'm starting to get a little anxiety about the amount of projects I HAVE to do and still do all of the things I WANT to do like get my hair done, work out, cough pretty little liars cough. I like me time with my discipline, OKAY!? The beginning of the week was so peaceful doing whatever I pleased after work. Looks like that time is OVER.

Dear Shopping Freeze-It's been 10 days since I've purchased anything that falls into the clothing or accessories category. I'm not a full on spending freeze just a shopping halt. It's actually been nice just having everything I need. Living a simple life is a happy life.

Dear Pilates-You REALLY kicked my ass on Monday! I am so out of shape. We will be doing this again soon.

Dear Beach-You and I are meeting up this weekend. It's going to be amazing to feel the sun on parts of my body that haven't seen the light of day in forever.

Dear Yogurtland-I'm gonna go ahead and say I've mastered the perfect yogurt/topping concoction.

Dear Emma Stone-I REALLY want your newest strawberry blonde hair.

Dear Blog Readers (Friends)-Thank you for putting a smile on my face almost every day. I can't imagine not blogging and not doing so in such a wonderful positive environment. I have some exciting stuff in store for you all in the next few weeks!!

Dear Callie- You won the ombre nail polish giveaway! Email me lady! :)


  1. Amen to everything you said to your schedule.
    Want to do > Have to do. ALWAYS.

    AND if Emma Stone's hair magically appeared on my head, I wouldn't complain. Just saying :)


  2. Hooray for the perfect yogurt concoction! I'm wicked jelly of your beachiness this weekend!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Hollie!

    I just started following your blog. How long are you doing your shopping freeze for? I thought about doing one of those also but it would be so hard!

    Looking forward to reading your posts!

    -Alexis :)

  5. what a super cute idea!!!
    hope you dont mind if i borrow it one day hehe.


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