Simplified Living Update

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 It's been awhile since I talked about that buzz word minimalism. "Minimalism" is still a huge part of my day to day life. I just dropped off 4 bags of goodwill items this past weekend. I also have a Craiglist ad up for a shoe cabinet I don't have use for anymore. It's an older version of this one and I'm selling it for $40 if you live in San Diego County! I have an ongoing to-do list to help me have the most organized, light, happy, intentional and resourceful lifestyle possible. Do I sound annoying right now? I hate to come off as preachy and that's not the purpose behind this post. I know a few of you are interested in my quest for a simplified living so I thought I'd update.

One of the benefits of having a much thinner closet is that I do two loads of laundry a week because I have to or I will run out of clothes! I have not had a pile up of five to six loads of laundry spilled onto my closet floor in almost a year. Also, I rarely wear clothes I don't LOVE anymore. And the clothes I do wear I get A LOT of use out of. Less cleaning and things I don't care about a few weeks later means more time and money towards my priorities! What do you do to stay thinned out on your possessions?

DISCLAIMER: I still buy stuff. I am still a consumer. I'm just very intentional and picky about what I spent my money on. This means yes to less things but it also means my life consists more of what I love instead of just new stuff.


  1. I'm the same way with being picky on what I spend money on. I rarely buy "extras" and usually my rule is that it has to be less than $25. Even then, I really have to consider if it is actually "worth" it.

  2. Less is more in so many ways!! I find it easy to "downsize" when it comes to myself but so much harder for the kids when it comes to big occasions. I'm about to donate a bunch of toys though that we never touch because we're so busy running around interacting with each other instead (what a concept right? Ha!).

  3. i am the same way. literally everything i own other than furniture fits in my closet. which is pretty good since i have house stuff i am saving for the next place in there. i wear pretty much the same things over and over. i have a very specific list of what i can buy and i have to totally love it (will grab in fire love with it) and it has to fit perfectly. i have it so i can do laundry every 2 weeks.

  4. i really need to minimalize. living in spain i hardly went shopping or bought nick nacks, but now that i'm back i've gone crazy. not only is my bank account hurting but so is my mental space

  5. As always, THANK YOU for this insight. I keep reading so many posts about the benefits of a very thin closet--that you really truly only wear what you love, and 9 times out of 10 you define your style even more so that, people identify you with particular items so they are like staple for your personality. I'm totally going to go through my closet AGAIN and ask myself, "Do I really love this?" thanks to you. :)


Thank YOU for your comments. <3