I'm a tad obsessed with building the perfect simplified closet. I'm no where close to where I want to be with my basics and wardrobe but you gotta start somewhere right!? I've never really had any direction with my style. I went through a surfer/skater girl stage in middle school, an Abercrombie stage in high school, followed by a trend-based style where I tried whatever was popular. A few years ago, one of my former co-workers once told me I dressed like I was in Miami. Needless to say, I had no idea how to respond to that. What does that even mean?? Well, I looked at my wardrobe and I guess she was somewhat right. I just had bright colors and patterns EVERYWHERE. Bright colors and patterns sure are fun but they don't make for a lot of use or longevity. Neither do super trendy clothes. So here I am about 15 years after I started caring about what I wear and am ready to tackle a simplified intentional closet that gets the most out of my dollar! I'm totally okay with spending money on quality clothes in classic colors that I can wear and use for years. Note to self, your first designer bag that you bought in kelly green five years ago sure was cute but after a year it sat in your closet....forever.
Anyhow, I'm starting a new Simplified Closet series which is a way for me to help define what I'd like in my closet and where I'm at. It's a mesh between classic American prep and Parisian glamour chic. I mean those ladies know how to make the most out of basics! The key is to be extremely picky about quality, fit, and use. Once you find that can't-eat can't-sleep until I have it item you'll know it belongs in your closet. It will probably take a lot of searching but it will be worth it! I'm not even going to touch office wear so beware. I can whatever I want to work (even an oversized sweatshirt is acceptable) so the whole dressy office thing is out of my league for right now. I'd love to h ear your advice on what's a need and what you can live without as I go through each post. Let's start with bottoms.
I'm obsessed with these zella leggings. They are SO worth the money and I am SO happy I pulled the trigger. They're the perfect plane pant, running errands pant, lounge gear, and you can even wear them to work out in...ha! I even know people who have worn them to work under dresses. I think four pair of quality, extremely flattering jeans should cut it. Plus a pair of black skinnies to dress up for night. The idea is to get the most out of your clothes, which means more closet space, a visually appealing closet, no question on what to wear, and less laundry. Skinny jeans are great for boots, heels, or flats. I love straight leg jeans because they're flattering on EVERYBODY and you can roll them up into capris for a boyfriend jean look. Bootcuts are classic and a great alternative to skinny jeans. I love skirts but I rarely wear them. However, a black and striped navy skirt should match with about everything and work for multiple occasions. Dress down the black with a chambray top! And finally I added some summer additions. I can't buy expensive white anything because I WILL absolutely get something on it. I owned two pair of $20 white shorts this summer but I wore them probably 20 times each. I love white jeans. They're so sexy and fun for spring and summer nights. Everyone needs a cut off jean that you can wear to family outings and something you can bend over in.
Where I'm at: I don't have flattering white jeans and of course I won about 8 pair of jeans right now and 4 I don't love the fit. Once I slowly add more amazing jeans to my closet I can get rid of a few. I wear jeans to work though so 4-6 pair is probably about right for me. I've yet to find the perfect jean short and black skirt. I may try that jcrew one and if it fits....hope for a sale!
I can't think of anything else that is a true NEED or super resourceful with multiple uses.
Can you? What's on your basic bottoms list?