I've never been a play the lottery person.
Until about six months ago I was driving home from school (maybe I was REAL tired) and a thought crossed my mind--I'm going to win the lottery tonight. I felt like the thought was really powerful so I bought a ticket. I KNEW I was going to win. I was so happy all night long and the next day waiting for the numbers to be drawn.
And then it was time.
To my surprise, I didn't win.
The best part? I was COMPLETELY shocked.
In fact for the next few days I couldn't stop saying "I really thought I was going to win."
I was still really taken by that clear winning the lottery thought.
So I played every week for a few weeks (I'm down about $10-$15 at this point).
The last time I played I "let the numbers come to me" and picked my own. I tried that power of positive thinking + the secret
You probably know where this is going but...I did not win.
I needed to delete my online shopping cart. It was SO shameful. Nordstrom has some crazy cookies going on because no matter how many times I clicked out of the window my shopping cart was STILL full! I couldn't find the remove all button (do they do this on purpose???) so I had to INDIVIDUALLY DELETE 33 (YES, THIRTY-THREE) ITEMS.
I was so ashamed.
That's when I realized I might have a problem.
It's been a few months since that last lottery ticket...until two nights ago.
Cross your fingers for me ;)